
The person who cannot refute a disagreeable position holds an indefensible position, lacks pathos, or lacks acumen. —‍Self


Some people can MacGyver any problem. Other people somehow will MacFucker every problem. —‍Self

Mickey Johnson

Attorney Mickey Johnson (Nashville, Ga) is an unmotivated piece of shit (which leads me to suspect the same of his legal assistant/wife for as it is said, birds of a feather flock together).more ›

I wish 7 Leguas had been more successful

The 1999 breakout band 7 Leguas had a smash debut album, Sombras Largas. The band has a proto-Evanescence vibe and Marta Folqués (lead vocals) had a versatile broadway power and a breathy rasp long before Adele even thought about success.

Minimalist Cheets

One-liner to calculate the binary value to toggle, enable, or disable an option via Java Function or Tasker Settings:

%val = ceil((abs(%val - 1) + %par(#?1/on/true) - %par(#?0/off/false))/(2+%par(#)))

(Where %val is the binary value of the current state, if retrieved). Thus allows toggling if mo parameters are passed and absolute stating by a passed parameter.

One-liner to extract a base-12 hour from Tasker’s base-24 %TIME variable:
%hour = floor(%TIME) - floor(%TIME/13)*12 + floor(abs(floor(%TIME) - 24)/24)*12

The first segment extracts the hour by discarding the minutes; the second segment subtracts any p.m. offset (from 13.00 to 23.00); the third segment converts midnight (00:00) to 12.